Who? Dr. Salvador Enrique Puliafito (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional-CONICET, Argentina)
When? 23 May 2024, 13hs UTC
Where? Online at Zoom (link: https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/93107860703?pwd=aHQwdHJZT3RTeldDakJidFIvSW1PZz09, passcode: eg3N3H)
Bio: Currently Investigador Principal at CONICET and professor at Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Dr. Puliafito’s research focuses mainly on air quality and global climate change. He heads the Group of Atmospheric and Environmental Studies (GEAA) and the Center for Sustainable Development Studies (CEDS). He has participated in the IPCC TFI 2nd and 3rd Expert Meeting on SLCFs (Short-Lived Climatic Forces) 2021-2022.
Abstract: Dr. Enrique Puliafito (CONICET/UTN) will present Argentina’s high (temporal and spatial) resolution emissions inventory. This inventory, called GEAA_AEIv3.0, is organized for its use in air quality and climate change models. This talk briefly describes the sectors, activities, and pollutants compiled in this inventory. The methodological approaches considered for each sector/activity, main achievements, difficulties in preparing the database, and other recommendations will also be presented. The main results will be compared with other international databases. Finally, some international cooperations that have included the GEAA_AEIv3.0 inventory will be shown.
ChimSur Webinars: Towards a common framework for successful collaborations in modeling southern South American atmospheric chemistry
This webinar series has been created in the context of a scientific project funded by CNRS (France) that has recently started: IRN ChimSur: Characterizing spatial-temporal evolution of atmospheric composition in the south cone with CHIMERE. Sylvain Mailler (LMD-CNRS, France) is the PI of this project, with other participants from LMD, as well as from IFAECI (Argentina-France), Instituto Gulich (Argentina), and Universidad de Chile (Chile).