Institut Franco-Argentin d’Études sur le Climat et ses Impacts

Instituto Franco-Argentino de Estudios sobre el Clima y sus Impactos


The revised research agenda is built around four focus areas (as shown in the figure). First, an area of climate and weather, covering climate investigation at large. Second, an area focused on impacts to which many IFAECI scientists have been contributing and that allows or incorporating other disciplines related to climate change. Third, an area focused on solutions, which connects research to society at different levels such as local communities, governments, or international organisations. Many IFAECI scientists have experience in this area as they contribute to decision boards, transfer their research products to forecasting and early-warning systems, or conduct research programs with local communities. Last, an area focused on methods and tools, transversal to the other three areas. The IFAECI community knows that this new research agenda is dynamic and will be refined during the next five years through various actions and reflections.