Institut Franco-Argentin d’Études sur le Climat et ses Impacts

Instituto Franco-Argentino de Estudios sobre el Clima y sus Impactos

Reflecting about climate change and future perspectives at the Lycée Franco-Argentin Jean Mermoz


On Tuesday 16 April 2024, a workshop was held at the Lycée Franco-Argentin Jean Mermoz in Buenos Aires. Twenty-five students of 17 years old worked on climate change, its impacts, migrations, and future perspectives. The workshop aimed to reflect on the future we may have in the context of climate change. Firstly, Leandro Díaz introduced the participants to the physical causes of climate change and what we can expect in the future according to different scenarios. Secondly, Diego Moreira introduced the problems associated with rising sea levels and the migrations that may be related to them. Finally, Tomás Legón opened a moment of exchange and reflection on what changes we are experiencing concerning climate change and what actions we are willing to take in our lives and societies to generate a more sustainable future.